Orthonormal polynomials with exponential-type weights


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منابع مشابه

Derivatives of Orthonormal Polynomials and Coefficients of Hermite-Fejér Interpolation Polynomials with Exponential-Type Weights

Let R −∞,∞ , and let Q ∈ C2 : R → 0,∞ be an even function. In this paper, we consider the exponential-type weights wρ x |x| exp −Q x , ρ > −1/2, x ∈ R, and the orthonormal polynomials pn w2 ρ;x of degree n with respect to wρ x . So, we obtain a certain differential equation of higher order with respect to pn w2 ρ;x and we estimate the higher-order derivatives of pn w2 ρ;x and the coefficients o...

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Derivatives of Integrating Functions for Orthonormal Polynomials with Exponential-Type Weights

Let wρ x : |x|exp −Q x , ρ > −1/2, where Q ∈ C2 : −∞,∞ → 0,∞ is an even function. In 2008 we have a relation of the orthonormal polynomial pn w2 ρ;x with respect to the weightw 2 ρ x ; p′ n x An x pn−1 x − Bn x pn x − 2ρnpn x /x, where An x and Bn x are some integrating functions for orthonormal polynomials pn w2 ρ;x . In this paper, we get estimates of the higher derivatives of An x and Bn x ,...

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Extremal Problems for Polynomials with Exponential Weights

For the extremal problem: E„r(a):= min||exp(-W«)(x-+ ■■■)\\L„ a > 0, where U (0 < r < oo) denotes the usual integral norm over R, and the minimum is taken over all monic polynomials of degree n, we describe the asymptotic form of the error E„ r(a) (as n -» oo) as well as the limiting distribution of the zeros of the corresponding extremal polynomials. The case r = 2 yields new information regar...

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Orthonormal polynomials for generalized Freud-type weights and higher-order Hermite-Feje'r interpolation polynomials

Let Q : R-R be even, nonnegative and continuous, Q0 be continuous, Q040 in ð0;NÞ; and let Q00 be continuous in ð0;NÞ: Furthermore, Q satisfies further conditions. We consider a certain generalized Freud-type weight W 2 rQðxÞ 1⁄4 jxj 2r expð 2QðxÞÞ: In previous paper (J. Approx. Theory 121 (2003) 13) we studied the properties of orthonormal polynomials fPnðW 2 rQ; xÞg N n1⁄40 with the generalize...

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Bounds for orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights

Orthogonal polynomials pn(W ; x) for exponential weights W 2 = e−2Q on a nite or in nite interval I , have been intensively studied in recent years. We discuss e orts of the authors to extend and unify some of the theory; our deepest result is the bound |pn(W ; x)|W (x)|(x − a−n)(x − an)|6C; x∈ I with C independent of n and x. Here a±n are the Mhaskar–Rahmanov–Sa numbers for Q and Q must satisf...

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Approximation Theory

سال: 2008

ISSN: 0021-9045

DOI: 10.1016/j.jat.2007.12.004